InLevel Up CodingbylanceFour Load Balancing Algorithms that Every Java Programmer Must KnowTo be a software architect like me, you must master the load balancing algorithm.Jul 4, 2022Jul 4, 2022
Nikolay AshaninThe Path to Becoming a Software ArchitectHave you ever wondered what career opportunities a developer has? What directions are open, beyond what horizons to grow. And most…Oct 1, 201785Oct 1, 201785
InGeek CulturebyJordan LeeDesign Patterns made me realize I’m still not a Software EngineerA code review from my team lead showed me how much more I have to learn about the software engineering discipline.Sep 19, 202117Sep 19, 202117
Rupali GuptaMicrosevices architecture with Spring BootThe foundation of Microsevices architecture lies in developing a single application as a suite of small and independent service that run in…Jun 21, 20212Jun 21, 20212
Osman YasalRecommendations for Writing Effective Multithreaded Applications in JavaWriting multithreaded applications today is inevitable. In order to do it right i would like to suggest some good practices as below.Jul 20, 20211Jul 20, 20211
Abhinav TripathiHotel Booking System | Airbnb System Design| Most frequently asked question in technical interviewsIn this article we are going discuss about a famous System Design Interview Question. Design a Hotel Booking System or Design Airbnb etc.Apr 4, 20217Apr 4, 20217
Think SoftwareDesign Twitter — Microservices Architecture of Twitter ServiceTwitter DesignApr 2, 20212Apr 2, 20212
Vivek SinghSystem Design Cheat SheetReference: Tech Dummies , System Design, Netflix, GeeksForGeeksMay 22, 20217May 22, 20217
Vitaliy IsikovHow to Properly Architect Your React AppOr my very opinionated (but correct) way to structure your React appsJul 17, 20215Jul 17, 20215
InDesign Microservices Architecture with Patterns & PrinciplesbyMehmet OzkayaHow to Choose a Database for Microservices — CAP TheoremIn this article, we are going to discuss How to choose database for Microservices in order to understand data considerations for…Sep 8, 2021Sep 8, 2021
InDesign Microservices Architecture with Patterns & PrinciplesbyMehmet OzkayaService Aggregator PatternIn this article, we are going to talk about Design Patterns of Microservices architecture which is The Service Aggregator Pattern. As you…Sep 7, 20214Sep 7, 20214
InPhilosophy of EntrepreneurshipbyArturo DosCommon CTO mistakes (in Startups)I noticed there are some very common mistakes that CTOs, especially first-time CTOs, make on a daily basis.Apr 15, 20216Apr 15, 20216
krishankant singhalHow to send Template based Email using Spring Boot and FreeMarker.Hi all, In this Tutorial, i will be talking about template based Email using spring boot application.May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
InGeek CulturebyAasthaNormalization In Database Management SystemThe Only Guide You Need To Understand Normalization In Relational Database DesignJul 20, 20211Jul 20, 20211
Walter GuevaraHow Do You Really Become A Senior Programmer?The typical answer to the question of “how do I become better at ‘x’?” is more often than not a blank statement that sounds good, but that…Jul 16, 20212Jul 16, 20212
Dragos Nedelcu7 Steps To Become An Expert Software Engineer Without Endless Online Courses Or Waiting For YearsDoes this sound familiar to you?Jun 7, 20211Jun 7, 20211